Graphic image of the Dallas skyline.


bold ideas, diverse cultures


Our focus

Current Analysis: Research Assistants work with economists in providing monetary policy support for the Dallas Fed President. The work is data-and-model intensive and can involve conducting and interpreting surveys; gathering, organizing, and summarizing data; running forecast and other regression models; and running simulations of structural models. The range of topics spans regional, energy, banking and finance, international, and macroeconomics. The Dallas Fed has particular strength in energy and other global issues related to international trade, capital flows, and migration. Academic Research Projects: Research Assistants work with economists on their academic research projects geared for publication in the leading journals. The tasks can include much of the above-described work, as well as reading and understanding research papers, conducting statistical and econometrical analysis, and solving and simulating quantitative structural models. In both sets of responsibilities, Research Assistants will enhance their technical and communication skills.

National and International Economics


Our economists engage in scholarly research and policy-oriented analysis on a wide range of important issues. They have developed various tools that shed light on the state of the U.S. economy, such as:

  • Trimmed Mean PCE
  • Weekly Economic Index

Globalization Institute

The purpose of the institute is to better understand how deepening economic integration between countries, or globalization, alters the environment in which U.S. monetary policy decisions are made. Some popular data products include:

  • International House Price Database
  • Database of Global Economic Indicators

Regional and Energy Expertise

The Eleventh District has unique expertise in energy economics, immigration, and trade. Texas is the nation's top producer of crude oil and natural gas, making energy an integral part of the state’s economy; the Dallas Fed has a group of economists focused on energy markets and their impact on overall economic activity. Among states, Texas also has the longest border with Mexico and the nation's largest inland port; several economists focus on trade and immigration, and the Dallas Fed has a strategic partnership with Banco de Mexico. Our economists regularly visit Banco de Mexico and have co-authored articles with their staff. We’ve also developed surveys that provide a timely assessment of Texas economic activity, such as:

  • Texas Business Outlook Surveys
  • Dallas Fed Energy Survey
  • Banking Conditions Survey
  • Agricultural Survey
Dallas District